Saturday, November 7, 2009

Pokemon Resistance Charts In Pokemon D/p Wifi Battles Is Probopass A Good Choice For A Tank?

In pokemon d/p wifi battles is probopass a good choice for a tank? - pokemon resistance charts

def def is perfect and special and resistance by many, but he has a weakness of 400% in the control group and the earth and 200% water weakness. Probo Pass weaknesses enough to make a bad tank?


numberon... said...

HES is not strong

numberon... said...

HES is not strong

that guy over there said...

I Prefer Snorlax or Bliseey and to a lesser extent, Miltank Probo Pass

Master Trainer said...

Blastoise @ Leftovers
is prolly put UR BEST is a tank / sweeper / microcontroller.
Toxic + Pump + Rain Dance + replaced Hyrdo
It's just a nuisance

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