Friday, November 13, 2009

Digital8 Video Cameras Flip Ultra Hd Vs. Flip Minohd PLEASE HELP-DCR-TRV280 Digital8® Handycam® CamcorderDCR-TRV280?

PLEASE HELP-DCR-TRV280 Digital8® Handycam® CamcorderDCR-TRV280? - digital8 video cameras flip ultra hd vs. flip minohd

Hello, I have a DCR-TRV280 Digital8 Handycam ® ® CamcorderDCR-TRV280 camcorder, I bought it and still does not come with an installation CD to transfer video from the camcorder to the computer you Dous USB cable, In the experiment, video I have uploaded to the camera to the computer, so I get a DVD and send it to my family, how can I do without the CD? Does anyone know a website that offers a program of this camcorder?. PLEASE HELP


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