Saturday, January 23, 2010

Congestion More Condition_treatment How Can I Get Rid Of My 7 Month Old's Congestion?

How can i get rid of my 7 month old's congestion? - congestion more condition_treatment

My daughter is 7 months and it seems she's comin with a cold, crowded and very real cranky lately .... She has no fever. How can I stop feeding them, because the formula to create more congestion? What can I give, and what I can do to make you feel better?


Joyful said...

Does it take for a steam shower with you for about 5 minutes. Keep a humidifier in her crib. He needs more milk, do not eat so quit too. You can drag whereas their formula, however. My mother taught me that if the formulas do not work enough 2% milk with 1or2 Kayros tablespoons syrup. It sounds like "booty" into account, but went with her in his arms for 20 minutes at a time. Keep your attention, you should tell your body heat his small body comfort.

Brooklyn said...

The congestion can have a variety of causes, it can help find the cause of the problem. First, it can by food allergy, usually a formula of cow's milk caused, try it with a hypoallergenic formula such as Similac's Alimentum. Second, it could be inhaled allergies) (pollen. Third, it can be placed teething connection is drooling or chewing her daughter's hands more than usual?

Congestion management in infants is difficult. You can use a cool mist vaporizer. The hot air (as in your shower) causes an inflammation of the mucous membranes, making it difficult to move air through a narrow nose babies. Cold air is moist and moving without swelling. You can also use saline drops 2-3 times daily. We support (1 / 4 teaspoon salt, 1 cup water, boil 10 minutes) and put one drop in each nostril, 2-3 times per day for the congestion of our child. Our pediatrician said not to suck on the rubber ball. It is better for the child only to swallow the mucous membranes. Missing Salins budget should re-made every day because of the lack of protectionTEN. But business bought salt mercury-based preservative, which (usually the same as vaccines), then we have not. It has helped me a lot with the congestion of our baby.

Good luck!

Hayley said...

My 7 and 1 / 2 months, son of former ATM I have a cold to help even a few drops of baby oil cloth olbus you to breathe, to think the night. This has worked well? worth a try. Dont try to stop feeding formula to eat less often?

JaXsOn!!! 6/09/09 said...

Perhaps you need a humidifier in his room. Has a? It is a very good investment.

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